Now Collecting Clothing Donations for Street Samaritans
We are so excited to be involved with such a wonderful charity. There is a donation box located at Boho Blonde Chicago so be sure to bring your donations to your next appointment or give us a call that you’re stopping by! Sometimes the shop is closed during business hours so be sure to let us know when you are coming so we can be there for your contribution. A little about Street Samaritans:
“Driven by a desire to hear their story and give a voice and platform to the unhoused, Neal Karski sought to shed light on the true cause of homelessness, the complexity of the problem, and the many challenges people face as they attempt to reintegrate back into society. He wanted to share stories and conversations that other people could listen and relate to, and encourage them to start engaging on their own to connect with people experiencing homelessness on a deeper, human level.” (quote taken from
We will be accepting donations for some time. We have lots of space in our donation box! We may or may not bring back the box periodically in the future.